If you’re looking for something new to read, Right Stuf Anime is hosting a massive manga and comic book sale this week. More than 800 titles are 33% off right now at Right Stuf. Most of the on-sale products are from Verical or Dark Horse. The sale also features some video game art books for better prices than you can currently get at Amazon.
Those who watched and enjoyed Umbrella Academy on Netflix should check out the Gerard Way-penned comic book series it was adapted from. Right Stuf currently has the hardcover library editions of the first three volumes in the series on sale for $26.79 each.
A bunch of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra manga and art books are discounted to great prices, too. You can get The Legend of Korra’s Ruins of the Empire library edition for $26.79 and all three animated series art books for $23.44 each. Avatar: The Last Airbender hardcover library editions are also on sale for $26.79, including The Rift, The Search, and The Promise.
Numerous art books are featured in the sale, including the upcoming The Art of Halo Infinite for $26.79. This is the best price we’ve seen for book ($9 less than Amazon), which is currently scheduled to release in June. You can also snag Final Fantasy 15: Official Works, a book that details the creation of the most recent mainline entry in the heralded Square Enix series.
We’ve rounded up some of the best deals in the sale below. If you’re looking for something specific, we recommend clicking the button below and searching for it directly on the site to see if it’s on sale, too. Come from Sports betting site VPbet